3M AASD 3466 CV Capabilities descriptive text Live video. We open on an aerial shot of cars driving on an interstate. We cut to wide shot of a semi-truck driving at dusk with a sunset. Onscreen text reads: Emission regulations are changing across the globe We cut to a close-up of a semi-truck tire driving on a road. Onscreen text reads: and meeting them can be a challenge. We cut to a shot of Earth seen from outer space. Onscreen text reads: 3M is here to help. We cut to an illustrated map of the world as small clips of 3M workers pop up around different locations. We zoom in on one clip showing a technical worker conducting a test. Onscreen text reads: Our global network of technical experts We cut to a different worker working with wires. Onscreen text reads: can help you solve your toughest exhaust emission challenges We cut to an illustrated table of 3M�s 51 core technologies. Onscreen text reads: leveraging 14 of 3M�s 51 core technologies. 14 cells are highlighted. We cut a close-up of the illustrated map as it pans over North America. Onscreen text reads: Our world-class labs and facilities We quickly pan to Europe where it shows one map marker location, then continues panning to show locations in India, China, South Korea and Japan. Onscreen text reads: Are designed for emission material testing. We cut to a close-up of a testing station. Onscreen text reads: Our proprietary Real Condition Fixture Testing (RCFT) We cut to an extreme close-up of the device as a gloved hand makes adjustments to it. Onscreen text reads: finds the pressure 3M mats produce in your design We cut to a close-up of the device that pans down. Onscreen text reads: with precise temperature and gap control. We cut to a wide shot of a testing lab. Onscreen text reads: Other 3M testing capabilities include: We cut to a close-up of a hot cycling compression testing tube. Onscreen text reads: Hot Cycling Compression Testing We cut to a close-up of a Hot/Cold Erosion testing system spinning. Onscreen text reads: Hot/Cold Erosion Testing We cut to a close-up of a Thermal Exposure Hot-Push Testing device as it pans out to show the full device. Onscreen text reads: Resistive Thermal Exposure Hot-Push Testing We cut to a lab technician as he analyzes the equipment. Onscreen text reads: Thermomechanical Analysis We cut to an extreme close-up of a friction testing device. Onscreen text reads: Friction Testing We cut to a mid-shot of a lab technician placing a tube into an opening and sealing it with a cover. Onscreen text reads: Prototype Building We cut to a mid-shot of a vibration testing device as it heats up. Onscreen text reads: Automotive Component Vibration Testing We cut to a mid-shot of a piece of heavy equipment shaking up and down. Onscreen text reads: Commercial & Heavy Equipment Component Vibration Testing We cut to an illustrated map of the world as pinned icons appear showing the 3M global plants. Onscreen text reads: Global 3M plants Are strategically located to supply automotive and commercial vehicle manufacturing. Manufacturing Converting We cut to a wide shot as it pans to show three workers working on a manufacturing conveyer belt. Onscreen text reads: It�s time to tackle your emission control challenges We cut to a close-up of a man smiling. Onscreen text reads: and 3M is ready to help you get it done. Fade to black as the 3M Science. Applied to Life. logo lockup animates in. Onscreen text reads: Contact your local 3M Application Engineer: 3Mcom/emission or 1-800-328-1684 �3M 2021. All rights reserved. Fade to black.
3M™ インタラム™ マットマウントのページでは、ガソリンエンジンおよびディーゼルエンジン向けに、膨張式、非膨張式、ハイブリッド型など、さまざまなマットマウント製品を掲載しています。
3M™ インタラム™ エンドコーン断熱材が、ガソリンおよびディーゼルエンジンのエミッションコントロールシステムにおける断熱性能を高めます。
3M™ フリクションシムは、ICEのタイミング機構においてこれまで数十年にわたって使用されてきた実績があります。摩擦係数を最大で5倍に高めることでハイブリッドエンジンのボルト締結部における微細な動きを防止し、安定性を確保します。
3M™ フリクションシムは設計の自由度を広げ、ハイブリッドパワートレインにパンケーキモーターのような独自の構造を組み込むことを可能にします。
3M™ フリクションシムは、トルク伝達力を向上させることで、コストのかかる設計変更を伴うことなく出力アップを実現します。